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Students need to study the materials for tests or for future applications. Sometimes there is so much to remember that it can be overwhelming. One of the best study habits for all students is to pay attention in class and know what is expected. If there is a textbook for the class read a few pages before class. It is also very helpful if you know your learning style. Are you a visual, kinesthetic, auditory or verbal learner? Knowing this can help you prepare for the test. If you are a visual learner you will need to see things over and over in different settings or in bright colors. If you are an auditory or verbal learner you may need to listen and say to things over and over to have the information in your longterm memory.  If you are a kinesthetic learner you will learn by movement, touching or arranging the information in a particular order. Students also need to be prepared for class, seek the teacher?s assistance and know the timelines. Don?t start a major paper the night before the due date. Do all your research and at least a week before you start to write a paper and be familiar with or understand the topic.

Success in school or university may not mean that you are gifted, and things come easy to you. It may mean that you are organized, you attend classes, you take good notes and you study before the test. It is easier for students to keep track of due dates because they can use Google calendar, make notes on their phone or iPad or use electronic tools to help them stay updated. 

Organization is the key to success, with the combination of good sleep, proper nutrition and enough water they can be successful. School-age children need adequate sleep to remain focus in school. They should not watch any electronics for a least an hour before bed. They need to rest their brains and be prepared to sleep. Some people take a long time to fall asleep and they can be highly stimulated with what they watch before bed, which makes it difficult to shut off the brain. They can create a routine that will let their brain know that it is time to slow down and fall asleep. All of the above strategies will make learning and studying more enjoyable.