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As we stay at home alone or with families and loved ones, we are filled with overwhelming emotions. We are bombarded with the news of COVID19 and all the other depressing things that are happening in our world. We are dealing with the fear of the unknown, anxiety about how long this pandemic will last, worry about health, economic hardship, joblessness, online learning, teaching our children, working at home, and the list goes on and on. People are glued to their phones and social media eagerly waiting to hear the number of new cases, the number of deaths, and how many recovered from COVID19. Staying updated can be a daunting task, which involves staying up late and wrestling with sleeplessness.

This need to know everything has created added stress for many people. Anxiety is a normal emotion that serves a purpose in our lives, but chronic stress can be dangerous.  Chronic anxiety or a constant or prolonged state of heightened anxiety can be harmful to an individual.  Prolonged heightened anxiety can cause some of the following:


During this time of chaos, panic, and worry, we must take control of our bodies and be aware of what we need to survive this pandemic. We must come to a place where we can say, ?I know that I will be ok.? Individuals who have been suffering from anxiety will find it very difficult to stay calm and understand that things will get better. Remember a time in your life when things were bad, and it became better and this will bring you through.

Coping Skills

This pandemic will not last forever. We must understand that some people will die, some will survive and worrying has no effect on the outcome. Your thoughts will heal or make you get sick. Find ways to destress or calm your soul. Some things that you can do to manage stress are the following:

We are very resilient, and we will survive this pandemic. Follow all the safety rules, wash your hands, respect social distancing, use a face mask if you want, eat well, and sleep well.