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You are the creator, selector, and controller of your thoughts. If you find yourself stuck and immobilized because of your thinking, stop and check your thoughts. Your thoughts may be the source of your problems. You are created as ?perfect? beings. Your body knows what to do to be healthy and happy if you allow yourself to think and focus on things that strengthen you. You can create your state of well-being.  Our thoughts are the instrument that is used to heal us or make us sick. They produce a chemical that repairs and destroy our bodies. Positive thinking can change our destiny. Allow yourself to accept, forgive and let go of past hurts. Replace all negative thoughts with love, forgiveness, compassion, and empathy and you will create a happier life.


Always be mindful of your thoughts. You cannot stop thinking, but you can decide what you do with your thoughts. As your thoughts flash by letting them go if they are not meaningful or can not strengthen you. We spend too much time on things that deplete our energy. Spend time in silence and learn how to appreciate the person you are with. Practice gratitude and visualize a happy place where you can go and feed your soul. Your happy place might be a beach, a beautiful garden, a snow-filled mountain top, a farm, or any place where you can feel connected to the universe. Take control of your thoughts and make the life that you will be proud of.  You only have one precious life, take care of it and make the best of it. Let your thinking heal and uplift you every day.