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You are your thoughts. You can never rise beyond your thoughts. Whatever you think you become. It is said that thoughts are so powerful, that we can use it to heal, curse, and bless ourselves and others. Thoughts can be good or bad and they can produce positive or negative energies. Some of the negative emotions and feelings are worry, guilt, shame, apathy, humiliation, and anger. Shame will lead to humiliation which will weaken your core beliefs. It is very important to forgive yourself and heal the wounds of the past because shame about what you have done and what was done to you will weaken you both physically and emotionally. Letting go of your shame is not immediate or easy, but you must remove the thoughts and learn from the past lessons. You must reconnect to your inner being and higher power through prayers and meditations to help you cultivate positive energies. Your higher force maybe God, a spiritual leader, the universe or whoever you believe is a higher power in your life.


Another pair of negative energy is guilt and apathy. It is believed that they work together to produce emotions of blame and despair. Once they are manifested in the body they can paralyze you emotionally. You must learn to release the guilt and replace it with thoughts that will empower you to love and respect yourself. Apathetic thoughts will create despair, which stems from self-pity and cause you to feel lonely. Loneliness will never affect you if you love and enjoy the person with whom you are alone with. You must love yourself and learn to appreciate yourself. Being alone does not have to mean loneliness. You can connect to your deepest thoughts when you are alone in silence. You can get to know who you are without someone telling you who you are. You will find your true identity.


Other popular negative duos are fear and anger that creates tension and weakens your inner being. When you are afraid you interpret the world around you in a different way that may not make sense or can be irrational. When you have fearful thoughts, allow your self to surrender to the fact that you may not know or understand the situation, but you trust the miraculous force (God) in the universe to take over and steer you in the right direction. Give yourself permission to accept the fact that you do not have the answer and you are vulnerable. Thoughts about COVID 19 are mostly negative because we hear such morbid things happening around the world and people are afraid that it can happen to them. How do we respond to such a crisis without being overcome with fear and anger? Most people think of anger as a normal emotion that is necessary for survival, but it weakens the human body. Anger tends to lead to a feeling of vengeance.


All these negative thoughts exist in the absence of love.  They do not serve you to have or carry all these negative emotions. It is ok to feel sad because this is a natural reaction to a sad situation, but we cannot lament in it for too long. We became fearful after we heard about the virus, but there was no anger because there was no one to blame. Now we are in a crisis situation and we must find someone or something to blame. Stay home and be calm is just not working. We have too much time to listen to the news and lament in a valley of sadness and uncertainty. It is not looking hopeful for most individuals, but I know that we will overcome this terrible time. I know it is hard, but we have to find things that will bring joy to our soul and get rid of the negative energies that deplete us.