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Are you feeling stuck in a hamster's wheel? Are you in debts and feel like you are helpless? Are you in a relationship that is not working, but you feel that you must stay with him or her? Are you feeling guilty or shameful of your past? Do you have low self-esteem? Are you addicted to something and feel that you cannot give up or change your behaviour? If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, you may need to change your mindset and look at the core beliefs that keep you in your present state.

We are socialized with families, peers, neighbours and many people who give us a sense of belonging and identity. We understand or gain meaning of our world through the eyes of others.  As we live and interact with others, we learn what is the right and wrong way to behave. Our norms and values are closely linked to our memories and experiences. We learn how to act, respond, love, use money, what to buy, how to behave and the list goes on and on. Every time we interact with someone we are changing, and they are also changing. Some changes may have negative consequences for us, and others may benefit us. I wonder why  do we believe what we believe and why do we do the things we do? The answer lies with our core beliefs. What we believe will influence every aspect of our lives. If you want to change our behaviour we must look at our core beliefs. 

Changing our Behaviours & looking at our Core Beliefs

It can be very hard to change our undesirable behaviour even if you want to change because it can be tied to our identity and has been with us from childhood. For example, managing money might be a family problem that has now become part of your core beliefs about money. If you want to change your behaviour you must start from your core beliefs.

Ask the following questions to gain an understanding of why you have problems and how to change your life.

What do I believe about ????.?

Why do I believe what I believe?

Who exhibits these behaviours?

What can I do to change them?

How do I feel about this behaviour?

Do I feel worth or deserving?

Do I feel that I can take control of my life?

Do I want to take control of my life?

How can I start to make the changes I need to make?

You may not have the answers immediately so you may want to start journaling your thoughts and feeling as you ask yourself these questions. There is something therapeutic about writing out your thoughts and feelings. When you write out things that are sensitive or things that demand your honest and sincere response you become vulnerable and naked, exposing your inner being. This can be also very scary for some people. They may have been suppressing some of the negative thoughts and prefer not to deal with the painful memories of the past. Although the experience may be scary at first, the benefits will be a lasting transformation. It is very liberating and healing to deal with the memories and mindset that keep you locked or stagnant. This stagnation can rob you of the joys that await for you in the future. Remember that you cannot live in the past and expect to enjoy or change the future. Your past experiences are there for a reason, they have served their purpose and now you should be ready to learn from them, recognize their meaning and purpose then let them go.

Once you are released from the past, you are ready to create the life that you want to live. Nothing will stop you from reaching your destiny. Success is in our DNA. We are created with everything we need to be successful.